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Leadership During The Storm

Fellow leaders,

you may read the title such as this and say I have read this before, but I have a slightly different twist. The perspective is from your point of view.

When challenging time arise, real leaders rise to the occasion, either positional or relational, the leaders alway rise.

If you have been resting on/in your position as a leader, the storm on the horizon or the storm you are in, will challenge your very fabric as an individual.

It is during this time where you will separate from talk, to do…from static to dynamic…it will hurt, pull, tear…but you will make it through and stand tall and victorious on the other side with your team.

A special note, not everyone that you are leading will make it through the storm with you…some will elect not to go, some will fall while in the storm, some you will kick out the boat.

Semper Fi!


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